The Ultimate Alignment: Revenue

The Norm

Investments in businesses are typically focused on the business’ ability to achieve exponential growth.

Many operators will help you see how it’s possible and how they’ll get there. But after doing so, they’ll likely go back to putting one foot in front of the other. Especially if they’re a small business owner.

Our Take

If we align investment returns with where the business is focused, we reduce risk. And if anything is certain, every business is focused on making their next sale.

So our Repeatable Revenue Agreement is designed to deliver returns on just that: a business’ ability to sustain today’s sales.

Your Win

On Bonside, if a business makes a sale, you collect a return. And as long as a business continues to makes sales, you’ll collect your full return.

It’s that simple.

If you can believe in a business’ ability to continue generating revenue, that’s all you need to start generating returns on Bonside.